Tiziana knew by now that she was not really in a magical forest, but she still couldn't help frequently forgetting that fact, because the forest was very good at pretending to be a forest, and even better at pretending to be magical. She would find herself frolicking with a swarm of fairies one moment, then overcome by mysterious existential despair the next: a pervasive feeling of vast emptiness surrounding and compressing her, as if absolutely everyone else had deserted the universe and left her more alone than she'd thought anyone could possibly be. It was at these moments she heard her inner voice automatically calling to the black ring for help. But she'd lost the ring, and any memory of the details of this loss, including how long ago it had happened. She only remembered that it was her subsequent search for it which had brought her here, to a place that felt alive, and somehow also seemed to be searching for the ring. At first, this gave her hope, feeling that the forest might act as her ally and help her find it again. Now, her consciousness tender and raw, battered by daily delusions for God knows how long, she knew that the forest wanted the ring only for itself, and it would consume her whole being if necessary in order to get even one step closer to it.
Tiziana A601B0
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL1+)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL1+)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL2~@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL2~@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVLX@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVLX@)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Anya, directing a music video on her first night shoot…
Maya, lost in illusion…
Prescilla believes in the cyberpunk future we all deserve…
Lilith, listening carefully for the next instruction from the black ring…
Lucia preferred the tranquility of the underwater world to the hectic, more populated surface. She'd worked with the Ocean Reef Group, helping to maintain Nemo's Garden, an agricultural experiment off the coast of the Italian Riviera that grew samples of land-based crops in underwater greenhouses called biospheres. But after storms & the pandemic cut off access to the project for months, the team was pared back to a skeleton crew, & she was cut loose. Not long into her hunt for a new job, she was contacted by a company called Reprion & recruited to work on their research submarine, the Thalassa. Eager to get back underwater, she didn't ask as many questions as she probably should have…
Samara was charged with protection of the sacred forest. Since early childhood, she had been trained by the Coven in the ancient ways of her peoples' magic. The Dozen Mothers took turns guiding her through the dark woods, each imparting her own share of esoteric knowledge, gradually imbuing her with the power required to hear the breathing of the trees, to communicate in birdsong, to summon lightning from the clouds. Eventually, she began to feel the forest as an extension of herself, or rather, that she herself was an extension of the forest…
Katharina, taking sweet, sweet revenge…
Parker, in the future, on her scooter, readying to no longer be parked…
Ryder, suddenly becoming very aware why no one else was eager to throw a party in this particular abandoned warehouse…
Inka, aware of the Minders for several years now and long past cycling through self-doubt (am I dreaming? high? crazy?), had simply accepted their presence, and the fact that no one else seemed to be able to see them, as a novel fact of her life. For the most part, they just floated around, though it was clear from the get-go that they gravitated toward populated areas…
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