Tiziana knew by now that she was not really in a magical forest, but she still couldn't help frequently forgetting that fact, because the forest was very good at pretending to be a forest, and even better at pretending to be magical. She would find herself frolicking with a swarm of fairies one moment, then overcome by mysterious existential despair the next: a pervasive feeling of vast emptiness surrounding and compressing her, as if absolutely everyone else had deserted the universe and left her more alone than she'd thought anyone could possibly be. It was at these moments she heard her inner voice automatically calling to the black ring for help. But she'd lost the ring, and any memory of the details of this loss, including how long ago it had happened. She only remembered that it was her subsequent search for it which had brought her here, to a place that felt alive, and somehow also seemed to be searching for the ring. At first, this gave her hope, feeling that the forest might act as her ally and help her find it again. Now, her consciousness tender and raw, battered by daily delusions for God knows how long, she knew that the forest wanted the ring only for itself, and it would consume her whole being if necessary in order to get even one step closer to it.
Tiziana A601B0
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL1+)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL1+)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL2~@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVL2~@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVLX@)
Tiziana A601B0 (LVLX@)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Quinne walked alone in the wilderness, initially in an attempt to forget her troubles—troubles acquired during her previous attempt to not be alone. But the further she wandered, the more she felt she was moving toward something unknown rather than away from anything she knew…
Julietta was proud of herself for making it up into the tree without injury, though considerably less proud of the reasons that prompted her to climb it in the first place…
Astraea, in her backyard, on Mount Olympus, presumably…
Mila & Milana
Mila & Milana loved nothing more than to scare the crap out of hotel guests, lingering in the long hallways for hours, waiting for one unsuspecting innocent after another to come around a corner and spot them…
Gia, about to bring the hammer down…
Not quite alone in the woods, Sybil had an exceptionally clear vision of a very murky immediate future.
Rosalia had never been a daydreamer. Nor had her dreams at night meant much to her or stuck with her through the days. She was fine with this, blessed with an innate talent to find fulfillment in the pragmatic. What life threw her way, she enjoyed tackling, even when it felt like life was throwing an abundance of pipe wrenches at her ankles…
Sora had been hearing a lot about the Museum of the Odd since her mother Raven had started working there a few months ago, finally piquing her curiosity enough to compel her to apply for a summer internship…
Starla used to have a black thumb. Then she found the black ring…
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