Starla used to have a black thumb. Then she found the black ring.
Starla i001 (LVL1)
Starla i001 (LVL2)
High-Speed Making-Of

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Anya, directing a music video on her first night shoot…
Maya, lost in illusion…
Like any artist in her gallery's stable who desired to remain as such, Xerew was required to attend all opening night celebrations during which at least one of her works hung on the walls. But instead of schmoozing & selling herself or her paintings (as the gallery would obviously prefer she do), she tended to find herself more interested in determining who amongst the crowd was actually human (and if so, just how human).
Aannii, drinking coffee, in a teacup, in space…
Jolie observes an exhibit, and/or is herself an exhibit being observed…
Elli had been angling for an invite to the Gomiumi Genomics Compound for over a year, knowing from the get-go that adding her name to the waitlist would lead only to waiting. But armed as she was with confidence, knowledge, & several years of study in Berlin under a recent Nobel Prize winner, her nascent experiments with CRISPR had drawn the interest of numerous colleagues, to such an extent that she'd been able to secure her invitation before even having to consider resorting to less savory tactics…
Zuira put on the black ring and wished for snow…
Mae, honestly not all that surprised to confirm that giving herself an impromptu tarot reading at the behest of a whispered voice emanating from a black ring would have immediate and particularly harrowing repercussions…
Eunomia, in search of greener pastures…
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