Dani often dreamt she was jumping around an inflatable bounce house, but she'd never before woken up in one. Quite sure she wasn't dreaming, rather than jumping around, she explored her surroundings, which turned out to be disturbingly dream-like. Rather than a single "room" with netted views of the exterior, she explored a series of ribbed tunnels, none with any views outside whatsoever, some narrow enough to require her to crawl through. There was a low thrumming vibration throughout, which she thought at first might be the fan, but its intensity did not seem to change as she moved, which eliminated its potential to help her navigate. She eventually found herself in a large orange chamber with an undulating blue floor. She thought, quite automatically, that this would be a perfect place to bounce, until she noticed the objects rolling around the floor. Bones. Human bones. The room began to fill with a thick, clear liquid, seemingly seeping upward through the floor. It flowed under one of her boots (when had she gotten dressed?) and the sole began to hiss and smoke, rapidly dissolving into a gummy mess. She hopped away backwards, just far enough from the edge of what was now a growing pool, leaning against the soft wall for a brief moment, intending to pull off the boot, but it had stopped decaying before the sole had been eaten all the way through. She turned to the passage she'd used to enter, but it had shrunk to the size of her fist. Then, her nails digging into her palms, she remembered the black ring. She wasn't sure she would be wearing it, but there it was, on her left index finger. She loosened her grip and smiled.
Dani FF7700
Dani FF7700 (LVL00@)
Dani FF7700 (LVL00@)
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Dani FF7700 (LVL1˜@)
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Dani FF7700 (LVL2˜@)
Dani FF7700 (LVL3˜@)
Dani FF7700 (LVL3˜@)
Dani FF7700 (LVL4@)
Dani FF7700 (LVL4@)
About My Process
I used to try to crank these out more quickly to have content to post on a more regular basis, but as I've continued along this path I've gotten (not unexpectedly) more perfectionist about my output, and with my gradually improving Photoshop chops plus the ever-expanding/constantly-updating world of AI image generators, it's difficult to resist going back to older pieces and enhancing/tightening them up. Krea.ai has a decent online enhancement/enlargement tool, but its effects, if not tempered, can often just add extraneous lines to everything while decreasing saturation and contrast.

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Parker, in the future, on her scooter, readying to no longer be parked…
For as long as she could remember, Yarine had been able to lucid dream. Growing up with this inherent ability, for her, dreaming seemed like just another series of realities, and likewise, waking life often felt like merely her most persistent (and most obstinate) dream…
Rosalia had never been a daydreamer. Nor had her dreams at night meant much to her or stuck with her through the days. She was fine with this, blessed with an innate talent to find fulfillment in the pragmatic. What life threw her way, she enjoyed tackling, even when it felt like life was throwing an abundance of pipe wrenches at her ankles…
Gia, about to bring the hammer down…
Wren, wondering (or not wondering) what happened to her friend…
Astraea, in her backyard, on Mount Olympus, presumably…
Zubaida, glowing and feeling at home on the playa…
Lilith, listening carefully for the next instruction from the black ring…
Mae, honestly not all that surprised to confirm that giving herself an impromptu tarot reading at the behest of a whispered voice emanating from a black ring would have immediate and particularly harrowing repercussions…
When Elyria found the black ring, she used it as an escape hatch from her own life, exempting herself from the toils of work & school & embarking on a vacation cruise around the world. She wanted a life worth taking pictures of, like so many others' lives she'd been following online. But after a few months at sea, & stops at more than a dozen tropical destinations, she found herself once again growing just as bored as she'd been at work & at school. She began to feel as if the very palm trees were mocking her, the rolling tides laughing at the flimsiness of her wishes.
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