Flynne, assuring a potential customer that she would not have traveled nearly so far if she was just another purveyor of crystals that don't actually work. (Considering her fuel tank was also full of them, this was true in more ways than one.)
Flynne i001 (LVLA)
Flynne i001 (LVLB)
Flynne i001 (LVLC)
Flynne i001 (LVLD)
Flynne i001 (LVLE)
Flynne i001 (LVLF)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Pasithea, suffering from insomnia…
Raven, aglow with job satisfaction at the Museum of the Odd…
At this time of night, Macaria often visits the morgue…
Zubaida, glowing and feeling at home on the playa…
Dani often dreamt she was jumping around an inflatable bounce house, but she'd never before woken up in one…
Like any artist in her gallery's stable who desired to remain as such, Xerew was required to attend all opening night celebrations during which at least one of her works hung on the walls. But instead of schmoozing & selling herself or her paintings (as the gallery would obviously prefer she do), she tended to find herself more interested in determining who amongst the crowd was actually human (and if so, just how human).
Renata, trying to stay dry after the show, beginning to wonder what's taking her driver so long…
Lucia preferred the tranquility of the underwater world to the hectic, more populated surface. She'd worked with the Ocean Reef Group, helping to maintain Nemo's Garden, an agricultural experiment off the coast of the Italian Riviera that grew samples of land-based crops in underwater greenhouses called biospheres. But after storms & the pandemic cut off access to the project for months, the team was pared back to a skeleton crew, & she was cut loose. Not long into her hunt for a new job, she was contacted by a company called Reprion & recruited to work on their research submarine, the Thalassa. Eager to get back underwater, she didn't ask as many questions as she probably should have…
Fiola, visiting her favorite species at an otherworldly aquarium…
Lilith, listening carefully for the next instruction from the black ring…
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