What Saffron missed most about smoking was having a reason to compel her to take smoke breaks. So she started feeding the birds. Whenever things at the agency verged on overwhelming her, she'd decide that the birds had to be hungry and dip outside with a bag of chips or whatever other avian edible was at hand. At first, she'd end up on a bench eating this item herself, as the alley behind her building was long and largely featureless, and few birds seemed naturally attracted to any one part of it. But after a while, the little wingers gradually began to catch on. Two or three of them would hang out on the ledges overhead and flutter downward when she appeared outside. By the time their number had reached a dozen, she felt extremely justified in taking her break 2 or 3 times per day. By this point she barely thought of smoking, and even felt slightly more resilient when facing her usual occupational chaos. And then, one of the birds brought her something, clamped in its little beak. It stepped right past the copious crumbs its fellows were gobbling up, directly toward her, and dropped a black ring in front of her, around a foot from where she stood. She was confused, and not only because it made no sound at all when it hit the pavement. Still, she bent to pick it up, and with no further thought, automatically slipped it on a finger. Then, as she straightened up again, it was as if her consciousness became disjointed from the natural flow of time. She was not taking a single break to feed the birds, she was simultaneously taking every break she had ever taken, several thousand strips of film all projected at the same screen, and the screen was her senses. It was overwhelming, yet also empowering. She recognized now that her entire time at the agency had been one long break, and now that break was ending. She would need to get to work.
Saffron 115599
Saffron 115599 (LVL0)
Saffron 115599 (LVL0)
Saffron 115599 (LVL1)
Saffron 115599 (LVL1)
Saffron 115599 (LVL2A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL2A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL3A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL3A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL4A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL4A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL5A)
Saffron 115599 (LVL5A)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Inka, aware of the Minders for several years now and long past cycling through self-doubt (am I dreaming? high? crazy?), had simply accepted their presence, and the fact that no one else seemed to be able to see them, as a novel fact of her life. For the most part, they just floated around, though it was clear from the get-go that they gravitated toward populated areas…
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The night before her 18th birthday, Giuliana fell asleep on Earth for the last time. Later, she realized it was far from the first time she'd been abducted. Numerous troubling occurrences—occasionally inexplicable happenings that had punched confounding holes throughout the continuity of her childhood & adolescent memories—suddenly all pieced themselves together into a coherent, canonical whole, for which her current situation, light years removed from Earth, became the only possible, inevitable adulthood.
Zofya had long ago achieved a level of fame at which everyone knew her last name, but rarely felt a need to use it. She was a singular talent, a fact made all the more evident by the unprecedented scope of her interplanetary concert tour, and her insistence on traveling to perform in the flesh, rather than relying on the industry standard remote holographic projections. Still, by the last leg of her year-long journey around the galaxy, she was as ready as anyone would be to get home to Earth and take a break.
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