The first time Millie was suddenly cornered by several black SUVs, hooded and herded into one of them by burly men wearing suits, sunglasses and earpieces, she'd reacted as you might imagine anyone would. Except because she was wearing the black ring, her reaction resulted in the SUVs immediately melting into a thick gray goo that then quickly hardened around the men and stuck them to the pavement like flies to a glue strip. Still, whatever clandestine government agency had decided to target her did not seem fazed, did not give up, and each time they came for her the situation escalated, until she became afraid that innocent bystanders would get caught in the crossfire. She realized she would have to let them take her, but by waiting patiently to be delivered to the heart of their inevitably underground laboratory, she could do a lot more damage, enough to finally convince them to leave her be, and if absolutely necessary, to eliminate anyone who could not be convinced. She'd been through this cycle with agencies from 3 different countries before, and now, judging from the voices of her captors, it seemed that Russia would be her fourth. If these governments were only a little less enamoured with their secrets, if they would just communicate with each other, they would know to save themselves the trouble. Or maybe they would never learn without the benefit of a direct confrontation. Either way, she just wanted to get on with it, get out of here, and get some dinner. But she knew to hold off on the fireworks until the higher-ups arrived to witness the result of whatever experiment they intended to perform on her. She could pretty much guarantee it would not be the result they'd been hoping for.
Millie CC44CC
Millie CC44CC (LVL0)
Millie CC44CC (LVL0)
Millie CC44CC (LVL1)
Millie CC44CC (LVL1)
Millie CC44CC (LVL2)
Millie CC44CC (LVL2)
Millie CC44CC (LVL3~)
Millie CC44CC (LVL3~)
Millie CC44CC (LVL4~)
Millie CC44CC (LVL4~)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Karina returned to campus just as the mushrooms were kicking in…
Rosalia had never been a daydreamer. Nor had her dreams at night meant much to her or stuck with her through the days. She was fine with this, blessed with an innate talent to find fulfillment in the pragmatic. What life threw her way, she enjoyed tackling, even when it felt like life was throwing an abundance of pipe wrenches at her ankles…
Astraea, in her backyard, on Mount Olympus, presumably…
Nona, waiting for a bullet train to 198X…
There was no universe in which Tricia was not obsessed with flight. In tandem with her obsession came its inevitable, plentiful opposition: a cavalcade of obstacles meant to prevent her ascent to the skies…
Lilith, listening carefully for the next instruction from the black ring…
Although initially fascinated when they first appeared, Orico quickly came to realize that if she wanted to be able to continue lounging on the roof of her building with Larry the lizard, something drastic was going to have to be done about the gargoyles…
Anya, directing a music video on her first night shoot…
Lucia preferred the tranquility of the underwater world to the hectic, more populated surface. She'd worked with the Ocean Reef Group, helping to maintain Nemo's Garden, an agricultural experiment off the coast of the Italian Riviera that grew samples of land-based crops in underwater greenhouses called biospheres. But after storms & the pandemic cut off access to the project for months, the team was pared back to a skeleton crew, & she was cut loose. Not long into her hunt for a new job, she was contacted by a company called Reprion & recruited to work on their research submarine, the Thalassa. Eager to get back underwater, she didn't ask as many questions as she probably should have…
Once Cherry finally gave in to its constantly whispered requests and wore the black ring to cheerleading practice, things escalated quickly…
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