Quinne walked alone in the wilderness, initially in an attempt to forget her troubles—troubles acquired during her previous attempt to not be alone. But the further she wandered, the more she felt she was moving toward something unknown rather than away from anything she knew. She saw faces in the landscape, in arrangements of stones, amongst the branches of trees, for a split second out of the corner of either eye, illusions that instantly dissolved when she turned to investigate them. Still, these brief apparitions felt somehow like signposts, & she adjusted her course accordingly. Later, after she'd completely lost track of time & place, she heard the white noise of a waterfall. It was the tail end of winter, patches of snow & ice reluctantly made way for the slow but insistent return of green. She followed the melted areas, which connected to form a path down to the large pool beneath the falls, then onward into a deep canyon, where the pool narrowed into a river. Concentrating so intently now on pinpointing the next ephemeral signpost, she found herself trudging steadily along the river itself, waist deep in the water, with no memory of abandoning dry land. She stopped & chuckled to herself, then felt a shock, but not from cold, for she was not cold at all. She feared she'd damaged her nerves or skin, but she could still feel the water itself: she was not numb. The water was, improbably, the exact temperature of her body (or vice versa?). She took another step forward. Now, more improbably, the water near her foot was clearly warmer. She followed the warmth, not carried along by water flowing from behind her, but pulsing from the riverbed ahead of her. Then her toes found the source of it: a ring. She couldn't yet see it, but felt certain it would be black.
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL00)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL00)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL1)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL1)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL2)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL2)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL3)
Quinne DDBBDD (LVL3)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Lilith, listening carefully for the next instruction from the black ring…
The singular face of Xia, attending an eclectic gallery opening in several alternate dimensions simultaneously…
Elli had been angling for an invite to the Gomiumi Genomics Compound for over a year, knowing from the get-go that adding her name to the waitlist would lead only to waiting. But armed as she was with confidence, knowledge, & several years of study in Berlin under a recent Nobel Prize winner, her nascent experiments with CRISPR had drawn the interest of numerous colleagues, to such an extent that she'd been able to secure her invitation before even having to consider resorting to less savory tactics…
Angelia, waiting to catch a flight home…
Fiola, visiting her favorite species at an otherworldly aquarium…
Renata, trying to stay dry after the show, beginning to wonder what's taking her driver so long…
Starla used to have a black thumb. Then she found the black ring…
The night before her 18th birthday, Giuliana fell asleep on Earth for the last time. Later, she realized it was far from the first time she'd been abducted. Numerous troubling occurrences—occasionally inexplicable happenings that had punched confounding holes throughout the continuity of her childhood & adolescent memories—suddenly all pieced themselves together into a coherent, canonical whole, for which her current situation, light years removed from Earth, became the only possible, inevitable adulthood.
Gia, about to bring the hammer down…
Raven, aglow with job satisfaction at the Museum of the Odd…
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