Farrah, walking home alone from the only club that still stays open until sunrise, wearing the black ring, and thus feeling untouchable enough to take a subterranean shortcut she would otherwise have avoided.
Farrah i001 (LVL2)

Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…

Ryder, suddenly becoming very aware why no one else was eager to throw a party in this particular abandoned warehouse…
Jolie observes an exhibit, and/or is herself an exhibit being observed…
Arae (and... Friend?) wishing you a smile-free (yet still happy) Halloween season…
Dizonia was not fooled by the assorted spirits' blatant attempt to throw her off their scent…
Talula had come to prefer hosting her own gatherings rather than visiting anyone else's home, as few other hosts turned out to be amenable to the trail of flora that sprang up from whatever surface she'd just stepped upon. She was gradually training herself to control the appearance and rate of growth of this vegetative trail, but for the moment it was still beyond her ability to stop it completely…
Katharina, taking sweet, sweet revenge…
Mila & Milana
Mila & Milana loved nothing more than to scare the crap out of hotel guests, lingering in the long hallways for hours, waiting for one unsuspecting innocent after another to come around a corner and spot them…
Parker, in the future, on her scooter, readying to no longer be parked…
Zofya had long ago achieved a level of fame at which everyone knew her last name, but rarely felt a need to use it. She was a singular talent, a fact made all the more evident by the unprecedented scope of her interplanetary concert tour, and her insistence on traveling to perform in the flesh, rather than relying on the industry standard remote holographic projections. Still, by the last leg of her year-long journey around the galaxy, she was as ready as anyone would be to get home to Earth and take a break.
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