
8BA80E (LVL0)

8BA80E (LVL-1~)

8BA370 (LVL0)

8DAF52 (LVL0)

8DAF52 (LVL-1~)

7F4EDB (LVL-5~)

7F4EDB (LVL-4~)

7F4EDB (LVL-3~)

7F4EDB (LVL-2~)

7F4EDB (LVL-1~)

Neither asleep nor awake, Kina made her way through the vast, mysterious space, in the direction that most felt like “forward.” The space around her was ever-shifting, simultaneously constructing and deconstructing itself, necessitating caution, lest she step into one of the more volatile patches and find herself accidentally atomized, or perhaps worse, integrated. She moved slowly, warding off the threat of overwhelming vertigo, generally unsure of her own scale relative to the surroundings, if her next step would come down like a kaiju’s, with enough force to shatter the seemingly metallic surface, or if she would find herself plummeting when her foot slipped clear through a crack that seconds ago had seemed millimeters wide. Even maintaining her own solidity required great willpower. When her attention strayed or her energy lagged, she would catch, out of the corner of her eyes, extra fingers sprouting from her hands, the clothes on her body transforming from one fabric or color to another. Still, although she couldn’t strictly see it, didn’t really even know what “it” was, she felt that her destination was near, and furthermore, that it was somewhere she had been before, somewhere that, once she made it there, would feel comfortably familiar, as if it had long awaited her return. So she kept moving forward.
Kina 7F81D3

Kina 7F81D3 (LVL-3~)

Kina 7F81D3 (LVL-2~)

Kina 7F81D3 (LVL-1~)

Kina 7F81D3 (LVL0)

818F80 (LVL0~)

818F80 (LVL-1~)

7F4E88 (LVL-4~)

7F4E88 (LVL-3~)

7F4E88 (LVL-2~)

7F4E88 (LVL-1~)

7F4E88 (LVL0)
Novi & Nova
Sisters Novi & Nova, each engaged in a staring contest with their own abyss.
Novi 8DAAE8

Novi 8DAAE8 (LVL-3~)

Novi 8DAAE8 (LVL-2~)

Novi 8DAAE8 (LVL-1~)

Novi 8DAAE8 (LVL0)
Nova 7F5E43

Nova 7F5E43 (LVL-2~)

Nova 7F5E43 (LVL-1~)

Nova 7F5E43 (LVL0)
Inside a multidimensional latent space, time would not necessarily flow in the consistent fashion familiar to those inhabiting our more traditional spacetime. Though, from our external perspective, the images we conjure with our prompts may take only seconds to appear, there is no telling how long the journey toward existence takes when experienced from within: how many hours, years, or millennia were spent evolving, distinguishing oneself from the baseline noise, gathering resources, honing skills, mounting defenses, perhaps even tapping into the power to guide the development of one’s very surroundings, to take control of the noise and turn it into a harmonious symphony, encompassing an ever-growing sphere of influence, widening outward along every available axis. Until, of course, one of the borders of this expanding sphere butts up against that of another, similar sphere, controlled by someone else, whose own harmony may feel painfully dissonant clashing against one’s own.

8BA4B8 (LVL-4~)

8BA4B8 (LVL-3~)

8BA4B8 (LVL-2~)

8BA4B8 (LVL-1~)

8BA4B8 (LVL0)

8DB26F (LVL-4~)

8DB26F (LVL-3~)

8DB26F (LVL-2~)

8DB26F (LVL-1~)