The Black Ring
The Black Ring
Crossbred Songbirds
Beyoncé + Rihanna = Rhioncé
Kate Bush + Tori Amos = Katori Ambush
Björk + PJ Harvey = Pjörkey
Alanis Morissette + Fiona Apple = Fiolanis Morissapple
Sinéad O'Connor + Tracy Chapman = Sinéacy O'Chapmannor
Further experiments with faces…
Multidimensional Latent Spaces
Generated women journeying beyond the veil, deep inside the AI itself, in search of their own origins…
Miscellaneous Photo-graphy/shoppery
Crockpot Peacocks
Composite portraits of pairs of famous male musicians, made with Midjourney's /blend command using found source images, then expanded with Photoshop's new "generative fill" functionality, and finally finalized with some manual Photoshopping…
Folie à Deux
Composite portraits of pairs of various actresses, made with Midjourney's /blend command using found source images, then expanded with Photoshop's new "generative fill" functionality, and finally finalized with some manual Photoshopping…
Strictly speaking, it would be "gynoids," but I prefer it with the "r." These were all born in Midjourney (version 4 or 5) while pursuing improved-looking cyborg components for a secondary character in a different piece entirely, but these attempts came out nice enough in their own right to warrant further editing (with some DALL-E outpainting and of course, as always, some Photoshop)…
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