The Black Ring
The Black Ring
Astraea, in her backyard, on Mount Olympus, presumably.
Alternate Dimensions / Explorations / Iterations
Astraea i002 (LVL0+)
Astraea i002 (LVL1+)
Astraea i003 (LVL0)
Astraea i005 (LVL0)
Astraea i006 (LVL0)
Astraea i007 (LVL0)
Astraea i008 (LVL0)
Astraea i009 (LVL0)
Astraea i010 (LVL0)
Astraea i011 (LVL0)
Astraea i012 (LVL0)
Astraea i013 (LVL0)
Astraea i014 (LVL0)
Astraea i015 (LVL0)
Astraea i016 (LVL0)
Astraea i017 (LVL0)
Astraea i018 (LVL0)
Astraea i019 (LVL0)
Astraea i020 (LVL0)
Astraea i021a (LVL0)
Astraea i021b (LVL0)
Astraea i022 (LVL0)
Astraea i024b (LVL0)
Astraea i024c (LVL0)
Astraea i024d (LVL0)
Astraea i024e (LVL0)
Astraea i024f (LVL0)
Astraea i024g (LVL0)
Astraea i025b (LVL0)
Astraea i026b (LVL0)
Astraea i027b (LVL0)
Astraea i027c (LVL0)
Many girls in many dimensions, one mysterious piece of jewelry…
Farrah, walking home alone from the only club that still stays open until sunrise, wearing the black ring…
Zuira put on the black ring and wished for snow…
Talula had come to prefer hosting her own gatherings rather than visiting anyone else's home, as few other hosts turned out to be amenable to the trail of flora that sprang up from whatever surface she'd just stepped upon. She was gradually training herself to control the appearance and rate of growth of this vegetative trail, but for the moment it was still beyond her ability to stop it completely…
At this time of night, Macaria often visits the morgue…
Angelia, waiting to catch a flight home…
The first time Millie was suddenly cornered by several black SUVs, hooded and herded into one of them by burly men wearing suits, sunglasses and earpieces, she'd reacted as you might imagine anyone would…
Like any artist in her gallery's stable who desired to remain as such, Xerew was required to attend all opening night celebrations during which at least one of her works hung on the walls. But instead of schmoozing & selling herself or her paintings (as the gallery would obviously prefer she do), she tended to find herself more interested in determining who amongst the crowd was actually human (and if so, just how human).
Ether lived in a liminal space. Though her childhood had been Earth-typical, in her teens she'd begun to "phase out," not mentally (like every other high school student), but physically. From her perspective, her surroundings & everyone in them would disappear, leaving behind a bare scaffolding of wherever she'd started, seeming both under construction & on its last legs simultaneously…
Dizonia was not fooled by the assorted spirits' blatant attempt to throw her off their scent…
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